Decode an alien transmission. Based on the real-world Arecibo message, but this message can be solved without outside information using pure logic.

Made for the 2024 Confounding Calendar.

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TagsAliens, LÖVE, Mouse only, One-page


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I built the message correctly but have no idea how to move on, any hints?


this is great! i love the theme, and dialing the image into view is very fun. i think i solved it by accident? i had an inkling of an idea for the second half and started filling in as a test, and ended up succeeding without needing to change anything. maybe i got lucky with my guess!


Haven't had time to do the puzzle, but this is what I noticed so far (rot 13).

Svefg, gur nyvra fxhyy fubjf hc ng n 43k43 tevq, vaqvpngvat gung guvf vf ubj vg vf fhccbfrq gb or ivrjrq va n fdhner.

nybat jvgu guvf, gur vzntr'f iregvpny cbfvgvbavat frrzf gb or bss, vagraqvat gb unir n 1 cvkry terra obeqre nebhaq gur ragver guvat ohg vafgrnq fuvsgrq qbja.

Zl svany thrff vf gung gur punenpgref gung fubj hc ner n xvaq bs ahzrevpny flfgrz. N fvatyr qbg vf bar, yvar vf 2, qvntbany vf 3, naq qbjaevtug neebj vf 4.

Guvf yvxryl unf gb qrny jvgu gur ahzore 43, ubj fb V qba'g xabj.


rot13: Vs lbh ghea gur “fuvsg” qvny sbe ybat rabhtu, lbh pna fuvsg gur vzntr iregvpnyyl nf jryy nf ubevmbagnyyl.


I assume yellow=green for marking answers

Correct! Just wanted them to stand apart from the already entered information.


What a cool idea, I loved solving this one! I’m not really sure what the “I can eliminate contradictions” hint refers to, but the math hint was very helpful :)


I think it would probably just mean that if your answer does not line up with the given information then you answer is wrong. I say this without having started the puzzle.

Thank you! That hint is only helpful for one possible way someone could arrive at the solution. rot13: Ryvzvangvat pbagenqvpgbel fgngrzragf nyybjf lbh gb svyy va fbzr oynaxf jvgubhg haqrefgnaqvat gur ehyr. Ohg V svaq gung zber crbcyr guna V rkcrpgrq haqrefgbbq gur ehyr orsber gurl arrqrq gb qb gung.